Eggs blog

First Quarter 2024

02/03/2025 Written by: Chuck Osborne, CFA

Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket.

Have you ever finished someone else’s sentence in your head? And, then been totally surprised by what the person actually said?

So, there I was in Opelika, AL. If you are not familiar with Opelika, it is a town in Alabama just north of Auburn. There isn’t a lot there, but I was young in my career and was sent there to conduct a 401(k) education session. The uniqueness of this trip started when I first met the broker who had sold the plan to the employer. He grilled me about being from Atlanta and then dug down into my family history; he seemed to like the fact that I was born in Greensboro, NC. When we got to the meeting and he introduced me, he said, “This is Chuck Osborne. He came down here from Atlanta, but don’t worry, he is actually from the South.” With this amusing introduction I began my presentation. It went smoothly until the broker interrupted me when the subject of diversification came up. He said, “What Chuck is saying is that you don’t want to put all your eggs…”

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