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Misconceptions of Retirement

02/28/2024 Written by: Kristine Simmons

Everyone’s road to retirement looks different. Life circumstances, family size, spending habits over your lifetime, can all change everyone’s end goals and retirement dates. Don't be fooled by common retirement myths.


Myth #1: Life follows a linear path
We often assume that our lives will unfold in three simple chapters: Get an education, get a job and get married, and then retire and enjoy downtime.

But real life is much more elastic, progressing with many twists and turns. And the outcome is often unexpected. Don't wait for retirement to live the life you want, tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. Take the time to do the activities you love every day.

Myth #2: You can't teach an old dog new tricks
Learning is not just for the young. There is no reason you can't master new skills, take up new hobbies, or even start a new career after you retire.

Myth #3: Your 20s and 30s are your best years
Our society seems to be obsessed with youth. And yet many people report the greatest life-satisfaction in their later years.1 If you maintain good health, plan your finances, and invest in close relationships, your happiness can actually increase as you age.

Myth #4: There's no point in thinking about death
We don't like to dwell on the fact that one day our life will end. But it will. For everyone. Keeping in the back of your mind that death could come at any time can eliminate mindless pursuits and worries.2 It can allow you to be more present.

It's hard to imagine what life will be like when you retire. In some ways it will be very different—you won't be going into work every day. But in other ways it will be similar to your life now.


To enjoy these years to the fullest, it's best to prepare now. Have a specific plan for your finances, and definite goals for how you will spend your extra time. But also build in some flexibility and resilience because life seldom turns out exactly as we expect. Our trusted advisors can help you map out a path designed to address your specific needs.


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